Why do it yourself when you can pay someone $1 to do it?

early bird gets everything she wants

I like to reward action. That’s why the first 20 subscribers to It’s Called Taste on Patreon can get it for $1/month.

A hill I absolutely plan to die on is that “Ideas are cheap. Execution is everything.” That was what I quietly repeated to myself as we were putting together It’s Called Taste and at any moments through the process when we faced an obstacle.

Now that it’s out in the world, we take great pride in the rigor we put forward to bring it to life and see how it is received. These first few episodes are a test to see whether you and others like it. But regardless of whether we release 10 or 10,000 episodes, our goal stays the same: to cultivate a sense of fervor in you.


That fervor pushes you to turn your idea into action, to try something new, to get started or keep going.

So why pay? I know I’ll get this question, and I am happy to answer it.

Consider this - you have a dream outcome for yourself. Maybe that’s to make a comfortable living from freelance writing, to start a photography side gig, or even to get really great at designing.

Across all these scenarios, there are two glaring questions that need addressing: What is your likelihood of success? How much time, effort, and sacrifice do you need to make it happen?

There is the “Do it Yourself” approach - jumping headfirst into it without a mentor or guidance. Reading books, watching videos, taking courses, experimenting to find what works with what doesn’t work. Likelihood of success? Low, you’ve never done it before. Time/Effort/Sacrifice? High (though very commendable).

Then there’s It’s Called Taste - we want to equip your creative success with knowledge from tastemakers who have already navigated the journey, shedding light on the unknowns and mistakes of figuring it out alone. Likelihood of success? High, these people have achieved what you are striving for. Time/effort/sacrifice? Lower.

That's the value of the $1/month membership - less time/effort/sacrifice, high intended likelihood of success towards your dream outcome. After 20 people sign up, the price will go up to $8/month. Still less than the cost of taking any one of our guests to coffee in terms of time, money, and effort to build the relationship.

If you’re still on the fence, you can always listen to preview episodes via Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

xx Asia

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